How to Grow Your Own Food Using Hydroponics?

In the limited space in the city, even without a patio, you can still grow your own vegetable garden. Yes, basic hydroponics make this possible.

Hydroponics is a new science that allows you to grow plants, fruits and vegetables without soil or sunlight. The plants are grown in nutrient-filled water under LED lights.

If you have a small hydroponic system setup, you can use sunlight by placing the device in a location that receives sunlight throughout the day. At night, however, the LEDs must be lit to continue growing. In hydroponics, plants grow at a higher rate because the process does not depend on natural or traditional conditions.


Ⅰ. Basic hydroponics

Hydroponics is all about the conditions that can be controlled. Therefore, there is no need to rely on seasons in any way. You can grow almost any food at any time of the year and enjoy its deliciousness and nutrition. Serve your family's favorite fresh vegetables all year round. In the case of traditional farming, all vegetables and fruits are based on seasons. Eating frozen meals is the only way to take advantage of off-season foods.

Through hydroponics, the growth of fruits and vegetables is largely improved. Plants grow in a solution containing all the nutrients they need for normal growth. So plants don't have to work hard to get nutrients from deep in the soil, they get it easily.

Additionally, they receive sunlight throughout the day, as the plants will grow even when placed under LED lights. In traditional farming methods, plants stop growing without sunlight. As a result, when plants are grown with a closet hydroponic system, harvesting takes almost half the time.


Ⅱ. Different types of hydroponic systems

Depending on space and convenience, hydroponic systems can be of different types.

1. Deep water culture

This hydroponic system uses the reservoir method and is one of the easiest. The roots are immersed in a nutrient solution and oxygenated with the help of an air pump. Light should not be allowed to penetrate the system as it can lead to algal growth.

2. Nutrient film technology

In nutrient film technology, a nutrient solution is continuously flowed through the roots of the plant. The LED hydroponic grow box is tilted slightly so that the solution continues to flow according to gravity. It allows the roots to absorb oxygen directly from the air rather than from solution. Because plants take in a lot of oxygen, they tend to grow faster.

3. Drip irrigation system

This is a simple hydroponic system that allows plants to slowly feed on a nutrient solution. It uses drainage media such as peat moss, rock wool, coconut coir, etc. The system is prone to clogging, but if it can be prevented it is a great option for growing crops.

Growing organically is not difficult and is fast becoming a part of urban life. All you need is an efficient indoor farming system like basic hydroponics.

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