In recent years, more and more people are opting for sustainable alternatives to everyday activities. Hydroponic gardening is just one of many ways to adapt to these changes. As a result of these changes, many indoor hydroponic grow systems for growing cannabis have emerged. But what is the best hydroponic system? Ⅰ. Indoor hydroponic growth system The literal definition of hydroponics is a method of growing plants by dipping their roots in a water-based solution. Essentially, it is a method of growing plants without any soil in a solution made of mineral nutrients dissolved in a water solvent.This solution consists of high concentrations of minerals and nutrients. Since the roots are submerged, hydroponic gardening requires no soil.In hydroponic gardening, you grow plants that normally grow on land but without soil. The soil is replaced with a medium that supports the roots; this can range from perlite and gravel to rock wool, clay balls, peat moss, or vermiculite. These media act as soil substitutes.The essence of hydroponic gardening is to allow the roots to have direct access to minerals and nutrients. They find it in the soil without having to absorb it through the soil.The solution mixture facilitates nutrient uptake as it allows direct contact with the roots. The indoor hydroponic growth system also does not interfere with other important needs of plant growth; such as light and oxygen.Nutrients and minerals used in indoor hydroponic systems can be obtained from a variety of sources. These include, but are not limited to, derivatives obtained from feces of fish, feces produced by ducks, and commercially available chemical fertilizers. Ⅱ. Different indoor hydroponic growth systems One of the great things about hydroponics is that there are many different kinds of systems to choose from. The best of these systems are hybrid systems; these combine different features of different indoor hydroponic grow systems. This is a single hybrid system.One of the unique features of hydroponics is that it has many techniques. We also call these different technologies "hydroponic media". Plants obtain essential nutrients and minerals through these different media.1. Nutrient film technologyThe nutrient film technology hydroponic system, also known as the NFT system, is a system with a constant current in a water-based nutrient solution. The stream flows through the roots of the plants.The system is kept at a slight slope to align the flow of nutrient solution with gravity.This system allows the roots to be able to absorb oxygen from the air, rather than through a nutrient solution.This is better for the plants because it allows them to take in more oxygen. Plants can absorb more oxygen from the environment. Only the tips of the plant roots are in contact with the nutrient matrix. This promotes faster growth rates.2. Ebb and flow hydroponic systemEbb tide & flow hydroponic system: Ebb tide & flow system, referred to as high tide drainage system, is considered to be a very good indoor hydroponic grow system.This system works by engulfing the area and nutrient base where the plant periodically grows. Over time, nutrients are gradually lost to the reservoir.To ensure that the process repeats at the desired interval, a timer is attached to the pump. This fills the system for the next cycle and controls the timing of the cycle.This indoor hydroponic grow system is perfect for plants that are used to drought. There are certain types of plants that grow better when subjected to drought. This causes them to grow longer and bigger roots as they try to find moisture.The growth of the root system promotes the growth of the plant because it is able to absorb more nutrients. Therefore, a good hydroponic medium is worth considering.3. Deep water culture (DWC) hydroponic systemDeepwater aquaculture: The deepwater aquaculture system, sometimes called the reservoir method, is probably the simplest indoor hydroponic grow system.In this special hydroponic medium, the roots of the plants are only soaked in a solution that contains nutrients. The nutrient solution is kept oxygenated with the help of an aquarium air pump. This prevents the plant's roots from being overwhelmed and provides necessary oxygen.An important fact to remember is to make sure no light penetrates through. The light promotes the growth of algae, which in turn is disastrous for plants.The biggest advantage of DWC is that it does not require a drip or mist system. This means that nothing will be blocked.This makes deep water hydroponic systems a great option if you want to practice organic hydroponics. Other hydroponic systems that utilize organic minerals and nutrients are more likely to get clogged.