Grow Box (1 Plant)
420 Edition
Soil Edition
Grow Tent (4-6 Plants)
Humidifier Gen2
Seed Kit Gen2
Subscription Pack
Bluetooth pH Meter
Smart Fan
Smart Cam
Drying Rack
Drip Kit
Starter’s Kit
Microscope Lens
Cut the green straps that are securing the box, then gently slide the box up and over the device.
For this step, you will need three gallons of water. Open the lid of the tank and fill it with water up to the third sensor. Please do not use tap water — instead, we recommend using purified water.
To start, soak the rockwool cube in the water tank (again- do not use tap water— purified water with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5 is best). Plant the seedling in the rockwool cube, making sure the end of the seedling does not poke out the bottom of the cube. Insert the clone into the growing basket and push the clone down far enough until the roots are exposed at the bottom of the basket. The roots must be exposed to ensure the plant has access to water. Then place the foam piece around the stem to keep it secure. Now gently place the basket into the hole as shown.
The ‘hey abby’ app will alert you when the water needs to be changed. You can expect to change the water about once a week, on a similar schedule as the feeding cycle. You will need a bucket that can hold 1.5 gallons of water. Find the tube located inside the water tank and insert this tube into the bucket. Then using the ‘hey abby’ app, initiate the draining process by clicking 'start'.
Start by cutting off a small piece of sponge. Next, remove the air stone from the water reservoir and detach the pipe from the air stone. Insert the piece of sponge into the pipe, reattach the air stone, and place it back into the water reservoir.
Note: make sure you get a feminized seed to guarantee that the plant will produce buds instead of spores. You can use various seed kits for germination. We recommend using the Hey abby seed kit, which allows you to germinate and easily transplant your strain into your grow box. Click here to buy.1. Once your seeds are ready, add tap water to the line shown below. Gently squeeze the grow sponge and submerge it into the water, letting it absorb the water. 2. Gently press one feminized seed into the middle of the grow sponge and insert the sponge into the plant basket, leaving 1/2 an inch from the bottom, making part of the sponge touch the water. 3. Cover the cup and set it inside abby to allow your seeds to sprout nicely.
Turn the meter on by pressing the ‘ON/OFF’ button, then insert into the water for a few seconds until the pH reading stabilizes. Rinse and dry the pH meter thoroughly after use.
Topping ( Week 2 ):The goal of topping is to break the plant's tendency to grow one main cola. This technique immediately splits the plant into two main stems, as shown below, and encourages lateral branch development. It's best to maintain the plant at a height of 8 to 10 inches to avoid branches hitting the lights, which will cause albino buds.
Low Stress Training, or LST (Week 3):You should start LST when the main stem/branch is getting longer than the other branches around it, and has 4-6 sets of leaves. Low Stress Training (LST) training allows us to flatten out the canopy of the plant, which allows for better light distribution. This even light distribution will allow us to create more viable bud sites and thus obtain a larger yield in the end. Unfold the stem by bending it down and away from the center of the plant as shown in the image below.
Pruning & Trimming (Week 4): Remove weaker /unmatured branches, especially lower branches that do not have proper lighting and those big fan leaves that cover light— in order to improve airflow and light exposure. We suggest keeping only six main branches, less than three lateral branches per main branch.
Click 'view more’ to learn about when to start flushing.
Click 'view more’ to learn about when to harvest.
When training your plants via LST or even light HST methods like super cropping, you will inevitably do damage and need to fix broken branches.
Click 'view more’ to learn about how to dry and cure buds.
Click 'view more’ to learn a useful method for temporarily adjusting pH levels.
Click 'view more’ for instructions on how to pair abby with your device.
Click 'view more’ for instructions on how to use seed kit.