All About Weed Measurements: Weight Chart, Price and MoreTable Of Content1. Common Weed Measurements1.1 Gram1.2 Eighth1.3 Quarter 1.4 Half 1.5 Ounce1.6 Pound2. Average Price of Different Measurements of Weed3. Slag Words for Weed Measurements4. Get What You Paid ForWhile the imperial system is king in the United States, there is one place you'll always find the metric system–dispensaries. For those that enjoy recreational marijuana or people who grow their own supply in a grow cabinet or indoor grow box, it's important to know your weed measurements. This article will guide you through the most frequently used terms for weed weights and measurements, as well as their corresponding prices. Read on if you also want to make sure you get your money's worth when buying cannabis from others.Common Weed MeasurementsThe most common measurements of weed you should know include an ounce, quarter, eighth, and gram. Let's take a look at their specific definitions in the following sections.1. GramThe smallest weight of weed you can get from most dispensaries is a gram. One gram is usually big enough for a joint or two, or a few bowl packs. How much does a gram of marijuana cost? This depends where you're buying, but generally between $10 to $15. How many grams in one ounce?Moving forward, we'll be referring to terms using ounces (oz). One ounce is equal to 28 grams. 2. EighthAn eighth refers to one-eighth of an ounce of marijuana. For most people, an eighth ounce is the sweet spot. It's usually enough to roll several joints or smoke a few medium-sized bowls. So how many grams are in an 8th of weed? You're looking at about 3.5 grams. 3. Quarter A quarter in weed terms refers to the quarter ounce. As you may expect, it is twice the size of the eighth. When people ask "what is a quarter of weed?" we will usually say 7 grams. Even though technically it's closer to 7.0874 grams, the cannabis world tends to round to the nearest gram.4. Half A half ounce is roughly two handfuls of dense buds. It is equal to about 14 grams, which can roll as many as 30 joints. 5. OunceIn most states, this is the most amount of weed you can purchase from a dispensary at one time. Equal to about 28 grams, one ounce of weed can provide growers with up to 84 cigarette-sized joints. 6. One PoundThat's a LOT of weed. If you're smoking recreationally, you will likely not be buying this much. Most individuals purchasing this quantity are doing so to sell and not to consume. A pound of weed is equal to 16 ounces and approximately 453 grams. Average Price of Different Measurements of WeedThe price of marijuana will largely depend on where you live and the specific content of the weed. For example, CBD flowers and high THC concentrations will likely end up costing you more. Here's how much you can expect to spend on different weed measurements: How Much is a Gram of Weed?A gram will usually cost less than $20. Again, this depends largely on where you purchase it though. Always check your local dispensaries to confirm the exact price. How Much is an Eighth of Weed?On the west coast, an eighth will set you back anywhere between $30 and $70. How Much is a Quarter of Weed?This will depend on the composition of the quarter, the quality of the marijuana buds, the season, and where you purchase it. You can spend upwards of $100 in places like Los Angeles for quality buds. On the other hand, a quarter ounce can go for as little as $20 during harvest season—specifically if it's shake weed. Hey abby GrowMate: Smart 4x4 Grow Tent Kit$999.00$1,099.00Buy NowLearn More 9% OFF Hey abby GrowMate: Smart 4x4 Grow Tent Kit 9% OFF $999.00$1,099.00Buy NowLearn More How Much is a Half of Weed?A half ounce of weed from a local dispensary can cost between $90 and $160. How Much is an Ounce of Weed?The price of an ounce varies drastically from city to city. You can purchase an ounce of marijuana in the United States for anywhere between $160 and $350. Check prices with your local dispensary to be sure. How Much is a Pound of Weed?The average price of a pound stands around $1,600. This is generally the largest among the weed measurements. Please note that having this much weed in your possession is illegal in most areas, regardless if it's for recreational or medicinal purposes. Hey abby AI Grow Box 420 Pro Edition$799.00Buy NowLearn More 0% OFF Hey abby Automated Grow Box 420 SE (Samsung LED Edition)$499.00$699.00Buy NowLearn More 29% OFF Hey abby AI Grow Box 420 Pro Edition 0% OFF $799.00Buy NowLearn MoreHey abby Automated Grow Box 420 SE (Samsung LED Edition) 29% OFF $499.00$699.00Buy NowLearn More Slag Words for Weed MeasurementsIf you're new to the world of cannabis, you will likely be able to get away with just using the weed measurements above (gram, ounce, eighth, etc). Dispensaries in legalized states have introduced more standardization to the measurement system.But if you have older stoner friends, you will likely still hear the following slang terms for weed measurements. We've listed the most common weed weights in ascending order: Between 0.5 to 1 gramA nickel bag ($5 worth of weed)A dimebag, dime, dime sack ($10 worth of weed)Both of these quantities depend on the individual dealer and how generous they're feeling on the day of purchase. Both nickel bags and dime bags typically contain between half a gram and one gram. Between 1 and 3.5 gramsA gerb, a deag, a "g" (one gram)Twenty-bag, dub sack, a dub of weed ($20 worth of weed; usually between 1 - 1.5 grams)A sixteenth, half-eighth (1/16 oz = 1.75 grams)A slice (1/8 oz = 3.5 grams) Join Abby's Discord ServerShare tips, celebrate events, and grow together within one of the largest Discord hubs exclusively for cannabis growers.Join Now For 14 grams and aboveA half zip (0.5 oz or 14 grams)A zip (1 oz or 28 grams)A "qp"; pronounced cue-pee (quarter-pound; 4oz; 113 grams)A pack (1lb; 16oz; 454 grams)Understanding the various measurements of weed and how much they cost can give you the confidence that you're always getting what you pay for.This knowledge becomes as crucial if you're planning to grow marijuana yourself and eventually sell it (when regulations allow). We highly recommend growing your own cannabis if you want to experience the freshest flavor and potency while saving on those long dispensary bills.Ready to become a home grower with an indoor cannabis growing setup? Look no further than these trusted seed banks, favored by countless growers for their reliable quality and wide variety of strains. GET 10% OFF SEEDSCODE: ABBYSUPREMEBuy Now Get What You Paid ForMeasurementOunceGrams1 eighth1/8 ounce3.5 grams1 quarter1/4 ounce7 grams1 half1/2 ounce14 grams1 ounce1 ounce28 grams1 pound16 ounces448 gramsAs the recreational cannabis industry expands, dispensaries are now required to weigh and package their goods before reaching the consumer. Of course, to the consumer, your weed weights matter-- every last gram! If you're worried about getting short-ended, we encourage you to weigh your weed as soon as you get home. You can compare the scale weight with the amount listed on the packaging. If there's any discrepancy, take a photo and bring the package back to the dispensary. Most places will replace underweight product and make sure you get your money's worth. Get Weekly Expert Tips, and Grow Healthy PlantsJoin our newsletter to get exclusive growing tips delivered directly to your inbox. You May Also LikeBeginner's Grow Guide_How to Grow Marijuana IndoorsHow to Make a Sploof (Easy Steps for Beginners)Live Resin vs DistillateRelated Products Storage Bag with Childlock(5pcs)$5.59Add To CartView Details Hey abby Acacia Wood Tray (for Pre-Rolls)$10.49Add To CartView Details Drying Rack$23.99Add To CartView Details